The STEM trial, driven by University of Toronto and St. Michael's Hospital, aims to provide high-quality evidence to support the replacement of cow's milk with plant-based alternatives, specifically soy milk.

This large, pragmatic, randomized controlled trial evaluates the impact of fortified soy milk (nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk) versus 2% cow’s milk on liver fat and key cardiometabolic indicators in an at-risk population. The goal is to provide robust clinical evidence to support the use of soy milk as a “public health intervention” to address obesity, diabetes, and overall metabolic health.

In addition, the study addresses key barriers to adopting plant milks in national food policies: cow’s milk’s entrenched status as the default option, concerns over added sugars in plant milks, and the classification of plant milks as ultra-processed foods. The results of the STEM trial could contribute to positioning soy milk as a healthy, sustainable alternative in public health programs.

The STEM trial aims to generate compelling evidence that will lead to the replacement of animal foods with plant foods in government nutrition programs across the United States and Canada. As one of the largest and longest clinical trials of its kind, the study’s findings could pave the way for a dietary shift that benefits animal welfare, personal health, and planetary sustainability.

This research is supported by the Login5 Foundation and led by Dr. John L. Sievenpiper, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Diabetes Canada Clinician Scientist, and Professor at the University of Toronto.

You can find more information on the STEM trial here.